De-Con & Protect Detail


Fantastic offering, great for pre and post winter/summer, removing tar, iron fallout, salt and other hidden contaminants from the surface of the vehicle. If left over time these contaminants damage the paintwork and only become noticable when it is too late. Once removed we can protect the paintwork with a choice of recommended sealant, we recommend this is carried out twice a year.

whats included

Frequently Asked Questions

Decon is short for decontamination, a decontamination stage of an exterior clean removes iron fallout, tar spots and any other embedded contaminants 

Adding paint protection afterwards does exactly what it says, if your paint is protected and hydrophobic it makes it much more difficult for contaminants to attach themselves to the paintwork 

Dependant on mileage we would recommend this service be carried out at least once a year. It depends on milage because if you are travelling longer distances you may need to decontaminate your paintwork more frequently.